New technology may change the diagnosis and management of diabetic neuropathy
Medoc follows scientific advancements using quantitative sensory testing closely. We share some of the recent publications regarding QST and Medoc’s devices here. We applaud our many customers for their scientific efforts in acquiring new insights in the field of neurology, basic science and pain physiology and highlight their insights on our blog.
AlgoMed – High Level Technology for Pain Diagnosis
Growing QST Presence in Pharma Clinical Trials
Thermal QST as a predictor for drug efficacy
Cold-evoked potentials: Expanding capabilities of Pathway Model CHEPS
The QST results of Q-Sense are comparable to the well-established TSA-II
Normative data for Contact Heat Evoked Potentials (CHEPS) provided by a multicenter study
Relationship between decline in peripheral nerve function and glycemic control in Diabetes type 1
Prediction of Oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy using pretreatment QST
Determining heat and mechanical pain threshold
Examining penile sensitivity in neonatally circumcised and intact men using QST
CPM recommendation meeting at EFIC 2015
The Effect of Tapentadol and Morphine on Conditioned Pain Modulation in Healthy Volunteers
Dynamic Pain Phenotypes are associated with Spinal Cord Stimulation-Induced Reduction in Pain
Methods to Measure Peripheral and Central Pain Sensitization Using QST: focus on Low Back Pain
Thermal quantitative sensory testing: A study of 101 control subjects
Persistent Pain One Year after Total Knee Arthroplasty is Associated with Abnormal QST
About Phasic TS and Tonic TS protocol